
Data Visualization Works

On this page, you will find some of the data visualization works that I worked on.

Wine Taste Visualizations

This is a collaborative project that I worked on during my first semester at ITP in 2008. I worked on this project with Adam Harvey and we created an interactive taste map for different types of wines. Viewers can fill the smart text box with the type of wine that they want to see. As soon as system recognized the type of the wine it makes a bottle opening sound and starts creating bubbles that are coming from the glass. Users can hover these bubbles and see the tastes that are associated with this type of wine. In the example below, you can see Pinot Gris and one of the taste that are associate with this type of wine which is being acidic. Data that we used is static and it was given to us as a class assignment.


Larvae Odor Response Visualization

This is a collaborative project that I worked on during my first semester at ITP in 2008. I worked on this project with Adam Harvey and Justin Donato and we created an interactive map of larvae odor responses. We focused on bilateral and unilateral larvae and created the path that they follow. We used different variables for the visualization. We animated the path that they follow and also gave an overal view of all the paths that larvae followed throughout the experience. Also we provided the size of the the larvae to give better understanding of the scale. We used color coding to display different larvae. Data that we used is static and it was given to us as a class assignment.

This is one of the agency projects that I worked on at KBSP. We visualized how much BMW customers would save, and what would be different in their lives if they change their cars to electric cars. This Project had three different stages, first one was data logging and seeing simple data visualizations related to that, then we created an application called BMW Electronaut, and then we created a big data visualization that shows the bigger impact which we called Evaluation.  You can visit the site at to see the current state of the site and to follow the updates of the project.


BMW Electronaut Application

This is one of the agency projects that I worked on at KBSP. This project was created to accomplish the same experience with the site but for BMW dealers. You can download the application from iPad App store



This is a collaborative project that I worked on with Diego Rioja.  Bed_Data logs sleeping patterns and the effects of the environment on sleep for the purpose of detecting this unconscious event that occurs in everyones life, on a daily basis. Bed_Data includes a force sensor matrix, camera, temperature, light and sound sensors. Force sensors and camera detects sleeping and helps to display, and other sensors are showing how the environment changes during the night.


Poker Face

Poker Face is a wearable device that tracks changes in the user’s mood to give the user real time feedback in order to change their interactions.  In addition, it also uses images and google calendar events to give the user a clear and complete picture of their interactions with people, time, locations and the environment. Poker Face includes galvanic skin response (with fabric sensors),a  heart rate sensor, Arduino Lillypad, and a mobile device, which is used as screen,camera and database. All sensory values and pictures that are taken by the device are in use for creating visuals of the days/weeks/months.



BloobySounds is an experimental project which aims to figure out the finger prints of living places by using sound data. BloobySounds can be used in some places which use multiple rooms like schools, night clubs, restaurants etc. For example; we can visualize the cafeterias from a university. When we look at the screens we can understand which cafeteria is full. Then if we want to see our friends we can go to a crowded one or if we want to eat our meal fast and we don’t want to wait in a queue, we can decide to go to a less crowded one.

This is an on going project to visualize where you can find Arduino microcontrollers for your project. It is a collaborative project with Cameron Cundiff. We have been working on this project since March 27th 2012 and so far we start mapping the data that we collected from Radio Shack to google maps. Next steps will be adding some more interactivity and Foursquare as an another layer on the map. You can follow our progress on or on