
BloobySounds is an experimental project which aims to figure out the finger prints of living places by using sound data.

BloobySounds can be used in some places which use multiple rooms like schools, night clubs, restaurants etc. For example; we can visualize the cafeterias from a university. When we look at the screens we can understand which cafeteria is full. Then if we want to see our friends we can go to a crowded one or if we want to eat our meal fast and we don’t want to wait in a queue, we can decide to go to a less crowded one.
We used Max/Msp to collect and filter the data’s. We get noisiness, frequency and brightness levels of the sound data’. Later on we send them to the visual part which was created by my project partner on Open GL by using TCP ports. The visual was the blobs which are really look like lava lamps. We correlate the data’ with the number, color and the speed of the bloobs.